How Aussie brands can use TikTok codes of joy to target Gen-Z and Millennials

  Social media has become a crucial aspect of marketing strategies in today’s digital age. Amongst the various platforms available, TikTok has emerged as a powerhouse for millennial and Gen-Z audiences. A recent report by the platform has identified four joy codes driving engagement amongst these groups. Brands can leverage these elements to connect with…

HR and Marketing’s Joint Impact on Company Culture

HR and Marketing Joined Meeting

As the ways of working have evolved, company culture has emerged as a critical driver of success. It is the lifeblood that pumps through the veins of an organisation, shaping its identity, values, and purpose. In the pursuit of creating a thriving company culture, two distinct pillars within an organisation often find themselves joining forces:…

The True Role of HR in Organisations: Beyond Hiring and Firing Control

Last week we ran a poll on the primary role of HR in an organisation, precepted by the common man. The results looked like this:      It is evident from the poll results that most respondents believe that hiring and firing control is a significant part of HR’s role. However, the role of HR…

The Importance of Regular Payroll Audits

Payroll Audits Importance Illustration

In the fast-paced world of business, one critical task often goes unnoticed – payroll audits. It may seem like a mundane chore, but little do companies know that this process holds the key to unlocking a treasure trove of benefits. Imagine a magic formula that not only ensures your employees’ happiness but also keeps your…

Transforming HRIS: Key steps to successful implementation and adoption

Picture this: a future where your HR processes are effortlessly organised, optimised, and automated, freeing you from tedious administrative burdens. You might be wondering if it’s too good to be true, but fear not! While we won’t pretend it’s a walk in the park, we assure you that adopting new software and transforming to a…

What’s in a name? The reality of name discrimination in Australian recruitment

Introduction  Are you an international student, eager to begin your career after university, only to be faced with the harsh reality of name discrimination? In an era where diversity and inclusion are crucial elements of organisational success, it is necessary for HR professionals to face with the issue of name discrimination in job hiring. Facts  Recent…