Transforming HRIS: Key steps to successful implementation and adoption

Picture this: a future where your HR processes are effortlessly organised, optimised, and automated, freeing you from tedious administrative burdens. You might be wondering if it’s too good to be true, but fear not! While we won’t pretend it’s a walk in the park, we assure you that adopting new software and transforming to a new HRIS system doesn’t have to be an arduous journey filled with uncertainties.


In fact, we’re here to guide you through six essential steps that will streamline the process, so you can get the most out of your HRIS right from the start, whether you’re taking the leap for the first time or exploring a new solution.


Here’s 6 things to keep in mind during a transforming HRIS:


Preparation and Planning

Congratulations, you’ve taken the first step towards a game-changing transformation in your HR processes! Now, brace yourself for the most crucial phase – where the entire course of your HRIS implementation journey will be charted by your very own firm.


Gone are the days of endless hours spent manually entering data into tedious Excel spreadsheets. With an HRIS on the horizon, you’re about to witness a whole new world of streamlined efficiency and unparalleled productivity.


First things first, assemble your dream team – a dynamic mix of HR experts and representatives from every department that will be benefiting from this cutting-edge program. After all, this ensures that every voice is heard, and every department’s needs are met with precision.


Next up, the moment of truth – choosing the perfect software to align seamlessly with your unique needs and requirements. A match made in HR heaven, if you will!


And last but not least, let’s talk money! Planning your budget for this transforming HRIS systems journey is like mapping out the key to unlocking success. So, get ready to make strategic decisions that will pave the way for an HRIS experience like no other.


Research and Trials  

You’ve already laid the groundwork in phase one, listing those essential features your dream HRIS must possess. Now, it’s time to dive deeper into the vast sea of HRIS options and uncover the one that’s tailor-made for your business needs.


You can accomplish this by conducting thorough research to identify reputable HRIS distributer, requesting proposals from potential vendors, or directly assessing HRIS solutions that align with the predetermined criteria established in phase one.

Once the initial research is complete, you can create a shortlist of the most promising HRIS solutions that not only cater to your company’s specific needs and budget but also encompass the vital features highlighted in phase one.


With the shortlisted contenders in hand, the next step is to subject them to rigorous testing and evaluation. Collaborate closely with your project team to comprehensively assess the capabilities and functionalities of each HRIS option. This meticulous assessment will enable you to ascertain if the HRIS offerings meet the necessary criteria and align seamlessly with your business processes.


In parallel with the evaluation process, maintaining open lines of communication with the HRIS providers on your shortlist will offer opportunities for further exploration. This may involve accessing trial versions or conducting pilot programs to gain practical insights into the software’s performance within your specific business context.


Installation and Data Transfer

After conducting preliminary tests and selecting an HRIS solution, you are now ready to embark on the new journey with your new software and transferring customer and employee data.


Together with your team and the provider, implement the software. Keep the lines of communication open with your provider, as some might offer more assistance than others with the software setup. Your team may need to collaborate with IT for proper installation, depending on the chosen setup (cloud-based or on-premise).


Once you have finished with the installation, transfer all data.  Numerous internal systems such as software, spreadsheets, physical documents, etc. might still contain the data. Make sure to collect all the necessary information and precisely enter it into your new HRIS. 


Testing and Training  

Your team may not yet be completely aware of the system even if you have set it up at this point. To ensure that the configuration of everything is correct, and that no crucial information was missing, thoroughly test the software.  Take advantage of the chance to play around with the software. Test the various features, and instruct any remaining project team members who are unfamiliar with the software. 


You can still ask the provider for help with any issues or confusing features.

Change Management  


The transforming department should also inform all the company’s personnel, as well as stakeholders of the company about this development. While doing this, it may be helpful to draw attention to the advantages of the new HRIS and how it will alter the existing business processes. 


Onboard more people using the new HRIS. Begin by teaching key staff members about the program, focusing on primary departments and top users first. Currently, ensure that everyone has the appropriate security roles to access any required data or papers. 


Follow-up, Feedback, and Support  

To make sure that the transforming HRIS can function for a long term period. Keep abreast of any problems or adjustments made to improve the HRIS. Think about HRIS scalability and potential future software integrations that could be benefit. 



Continue receiving feedback and training. Make sure to keep providing training help if someone is still having trouble using the HRIS. To aid with the upkeep and modification of the software at this point, it’s critical to obtain user feedback. 


Need assistance with your HRIS? Connect with us!


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