It’s that time of the year… WGEA Reporting time!

But what is WGEA reporting exactly? Let’s break it down. For the past 14 years, all private-sector employers with over 100 employees have had to report data annually about the gender gap among their employees. Think of it like an annual check-up for our workforce health. On February 27th, 2024, the Workplace Gender Equality Agency…

Are you a workaholic?

Step into the office pantry, and you’ll be privy to a curious blend of tales – a cocktail of exhaustion and pride. Your colleagues will regale you with stories of their high-octane workdays, the minutiae of meetings, the ins and outs of client interactions, all while sipping on their third cup of coffee like it’s…

A candidate’s guide to go from ‘Meh’ to ‘Memorable’

For candidates, and recruiters job seeking can be year long events. But there’s pockets of time when recruitment is at its peak. It’s the time of year when folks yearn for change and dream of swapping their old work chairs for shiny new ones. But let’s face it, job hunting can be a wild ride,…

Recruiters: Ditch the Ghosting Act, Here’s Why!

Recruitment is an industry where resumes fly in and out of inboxes like paper airplanes, and interviews are conducted with the speed of a F1 pit stop, so often it’s easy to overlook one critical aspect: communication. Communication in recruitment isn’t just important; it’s essential. In fact, it can be the difference between a forgettable…

Six week annual leave vs. Four day work week: Which one is better?

Australia has always been at the forefront of workplace policies aimed at enhancing employee wellbeing and work-life balance. In recent years, two distinct approaches have gained traction: the introduction of a six-week annual leave policy and the adoption of a four-day work week. Both these strategies hold the promise of improved employee satisfaction, engagement, and…

A low down on The Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee

In a world fraught with uncertainties, the importance of financial stability during times of illness cannot be overstated. The Victorian government, in its pursuit of social and economic equity, has introduced a groundbreaking initiative known as the Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee. This program is designed to provide much-needed financial support to casual workers who find…