
Your Privacy Is Important To Us

Clients expect that we keep their information safe when they engage us about their businesses and processes. To ensure we have an open relationship with all our clients, we make sure you are aware about how we use the information you provide

  • How we ensure its security
  • How we keep it up to date and relevant
  • How we ensure who uses it and how it is used

Below we detail the type of information we may collect from you as well as how we comply with the National Privacy Principles to protect your privacy.

Personal information we hold and when and how it is used

The information we collect from you will be relevant to the business engagement we have with you. This will include information like:

  • Business name, address and contact details
  • Your ABN or ACN number
  • Information about your employees and HR practices and processes
  • How we ensure its security
  • How we keep it up to date and relevant
  • How we ensure who uses it and how it is used

Below we detail the type of information we may collect from you as well as how we comply with the National Privacy Principles to protect your privacy.

Sensitive information

Sensitive information is a special category of personal information under the Australian Act and can, in most cases, only be disclosed with your consent. Based on the Privacy Act, we will not ask you for any sensitive information unless:

  • We need it to provide you with specific advice
  • You are applying for a job with us and you have provided your consent for us to do so

If you don't provide us with all the required information

We may be limited in our ability to provide you with the required service.
There may be instances where we share your information with partners employed by VeiraMal Consulting as well as partners that will help us with our business. The partners may include:

  • Marketing partners
  • Credit reporting agencies
  • Debt collecting agencies
  • Your representative (for example lawyer or financial adviser)

We will always strive to limit the information we give these organisations and will only do so in accordance with the Australian National Privacy Principles. ​