How to Find the Right Talent in Four Unusual Ways

Talent shortages have stunted the growth of many businesses, with unemployment rates at record lows. Putting much stress on hiring teams it’s an incredibly frustrating situation. Continue reading below to learn how to find the right talent in four unusual ways and how you can make the most of it.

1. Use LinkedIn wisely

Users of LinkedIn Recruiter know how repetitive InMail’s can be. Sharing some creative content with your message will increase your response rate. In Addition, LinkedIn is a very effective tool for getting candidates’ attention from hiring managers. Thus, share snippets of your company culture and exciting team projects via LinkedIn posts and updates to build your brand.

2. Advertise in remote locations

Businesses can benefit from advertising in remote locations by attracting some incredible talent. Your advertisement will gain more attention since fewer employers advertise there.

3. Use reference calls as a mode of hiring

As you take a reference check for a successful candidate, you have another hiring manager’s attention. Ask them if they know anyone suitable within their network who might be able to fill the other roles you’re hiring for. In addition, connect with them on LinkedIn, and perhaps they will reach out to you when they are looking for their next role.

4. Develop partnerships

Developing partnerships with universities, industry groups, and course providers can pay off significantly. For example, consider partnering with the Media and Communications department at a local university if you are a media agency looking for graduates.

To get the best results, combine two or more of the above talent attraction techniques.

Get In Touch

VeiraMal Consulting is an expert in providing Recruitment services to businesses to hire the best talent. So, getting in touch with us can help you achieve your workforce goals. You can view all of our services and packages here

The information contained in this blog is general in nature. Therefore, if you are unsure how this applies to you, please contact us at VeiraMal Consulting. Our HR Consultants will be happy to guide you through this. 

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