HR’s role during a crisis

Over the last few weeks, I have had numerous conversations about the role HR plays during a crisis – like the one we are currently in with COVID-19. Although some businesses would like to run things on their own and make their own decisions, there are whole lists of things HR can help with. Here are some of the areas where I think HR can help:

1. Business continuity plan

Most businesses have had to come up with business continuity plans. While the primary focus of these is the operation of the company, HR can help with bringing a people focus on these plans and discussions.

2. People Advisory

Adding a people-focus to business continuity plans means HR becomes a trusted advisor on all things people related. People advisory helps businesses make better decisions keeping in mind their most significant asset – the workforce they employ.

3. Capability Building

Helps both employees and management deal with the crisis by equipping them with the skills required to adapt to the changes.

4. Policy Development

Develops and rolls out policies, procedures as well as processes to keep employees engaged, so they remain productive through the uncertainty

5. Case Management

Helps implement support frameworks so that employees who have been impacted can be supported through it.

6. Remuneration Management

Keeps up to date with legislative changes so that the impact on wages and entitlements are managed.

7. Managing Change

Assists leaders build an adaptive culture within their teams so they can help their staff through an ever-evolving situation.

8. Tracking Metrics

Provides the business with up to date metrics on employee data so that the business decisions are inclusive of the people-impact. Good HR metrics ensure that the company can navigate through the crisis more effectively.

Every business is going to be at a different stage during the crisis. I realize the impact this has on the employees and as my previous blog stated, keeping them engaged and making the right people decisions now will benefit the employer in the long run when they are ready to resume their operations.

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